3.1. Software Modules#

HPC comes with a wide variety of software packages and libraries. These software packages are managed using a module system. A module is a software package that can be loaded and unloaded on the cluster. The module system allows users to manage their software dependencies and environments.

3.1.1. Available Modules#

Use the module avail command to list all the software modules available on the cluster. The output will show the available software modules and their versions.


See a list of software modules available on the FASRC Cannon cluster here.

3.1.2. Managing Software Modules#

The following commands are used to manage software modules:



module avail

List all available software modules.

module load <module_name>

Load a software module.

module unload <module_name>

Unload a software module.

module list

List all loaded software modules.

module purge

Unload all loaded software modules.